Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fox News and the Obama controversey

People in Iran are being killed for having a voice. Interesting, this election is similar to what happened here in America in 2000--only difference is those who opposed the take over of the US Presidency by the right, were not allowed to have a voice. And, the idea that the election was stolen was poo pooed by the right. In fact, John McCain who probably would have been elected in 2000 and was railroaded by those on the right who were willing to place a legacy into the US Presidency instead of someone, like McCain who would have created a legacy for 21st Century America spoke out yesterday in opposition to what is going on in Iran summoning America to stand up and speak out. Perhaps for his own purposes, or was it but a flashback to the thunder which was stolen from him by a push into the abyss call a Bush.

What does this have to do with Fox?

Afghanistan is turning into our 21st Century Iran/Contra Affair. We have all the ingredients--heroin, poppy seeds, illegal gun trading, drug lords, radical jihad gun smugglers, illegal rebel gun is a veritable pot of Shepherd's Stew mixed with "soft money" from government regimes in their effort to hide the fact that things are escalating toward the point of no control.

What does this have to do with Fox and Obama?

In April, the G20 mandated that the US President create a Czar for the "money" in America, and that that appointed Czar would answer to an international Czar from the EU who would oversee monies in America and their distribution. This mandate was given by the G20 and it was to be established and implemented within 12 months of the April meeting. Interestingly, all of the US car companies are now joined by European and Asian car manufacturers--who inevitably will be producing US Military Tanks. There has been a tremendous reduction in military spending, yet non-existing money, resources and taxes are being thrown into a national health care system--which if not prescribed to will lead to the taxation of the health benefits of employees--most of whom can barely afford the co-pay.

Where are you Fox?

Fox network today and yesterday complained that the US President did not visit their studios, give them an interview and moreover, snubbed them for Dora the Explorer. Get over it Fox--each dog has its day. There are much more important issues to cover, which will eventually compel explanation of same.